A St Joseph teen will be facing felony assault charges for brutally attacking a teen girl at a playground. At one point the attacker drags the teen several feet by her hair. She kicks, punches, and knees the girl in the head for no apparent reason. She also kicks her in the head when she’s laying on the ground. The video was recorded by the attackers friends who sit there and laugh as the brutal assault takes place.
After the attack happened, prior to the arrest, one of the teens seen laughing in the video began mouthing off about it online. The attackers mother is accused of threatening peoples lives in several profanity laced tirades she posted to facebook.
H/T to the people on the Dana Martin facebook page for compiling so much information which lead to the charges/arrest.

Uncensored video that was uploaded to facebook
The reaction of the mother
We can personally confirm that pictures #2 and #3 were made by the alleged mother as we screenshotted them. Picture #1 is alleged to be made by the mother by the group that did all the work that lead to the charges so we see no reason why they would lie. In the first image the mother is seen in a profanity laced tirade that threatens anyone who harasses her daughter.
More Victims have Come Forward
Since the video has gone viral more people have come forward claiming that their children were also the victims of a similar attack by the same person:
Her name is Makinzie, or Kinzi. She is 12. Kinzi suffered a concussion, severe short term memory loss, facial lacerations, and bruised ribs, at the hands of Sadie. The situation is very similar to Tori in that this mob of thugs lured Kinzi to the Hosea playground, as well. Kinzi, like Tori, thought that her relationship with this mob was amicable.
Others have accused the same group of teens involved in this video of luring children to this playground where Sadie viciously assaults them. If this turns out to be true all teens involved should be charged with felonies in my opinion.
The reaction of those involved
The teen seen in the video laughing about it went on a tirade that was straight out of Compton. She warns people she’ll get her “niggas” after people who talk bad about her. It is also alleged that the attacker posted on facebook after the attack. Several are accusing her of having no remorse for her actions.
Did the Father Try To Gain Custody?
The alleged father of the attacker took to social media to express his side of the story. He claims he tried to get custody of the child but nobody would listen to him. We found screenshots from well before this issue that validate that he was warning people about the mother as early as May.
A public records check did reveal a Tax Lean and a Divorce on a person with the same name in the same city. We’re not sure if this is the same person, and if the father was involved in the divorce.
While we know the names of the minors involved we cannot release them publicly, however we can’t stop anyone from posting them in the comments section. We can however provide the link to the mothers facebook page. If anything, we believe, in our opinion, that parenting, or the lack thereof, is more to blame in this incident than race or racism.
I have watched her FB page for a couple of days. The one post has close to 2k comments. I don’t understand why she just doesn’t delete the open posts and make her posts private.
That’s a good question, some of the others involved with it already had like one of the teens involved with the filming but this mother just keeps posting about it publicly online.
Seems this isn’t the first time she’s attacked a child. ~~~~~~~~~~~ “SADIES VICTIM LISTS IS GROWING!
Here’s a particular message that I’ve copied and pasted. I have yet to receive a reply in naming the victim, however, the message in my inbox reads as follows:
Thank you for sharing this… I do want to share with you. That my daughter, was beaten up by the same girl 3 weeks ago at the same place, there was also a video of it but can’t get my hands on it. Yes we filled charges but have getting the run around. I want people to know that this was not the first time she had done this. My daughter had a concussion bruised ribs and lacerations to the face… I want this little girl to be punished to the max.. thank you for sharing the video
Chat Conversation End
Does anyone have access to this new video? Please share publicly, or privately…if so?? Thank-you all. The outpouring of love and concern has been immeasurable! heart emoticon This is proof positive in there are strength in OUR numbers, too”
1 · October 12 at 5:16am · Edited
Can someone please post the names? At least of the parents I.e. the mom if nothing else. I’ve got something to say to her. I’m really tired of seeing innocent defenseless people victimized regardless of race. However, like it or not, this black lives matter movement and the f your flag groups are not helping. We need to start standing up to this crap and stop relying on police and our faulty and lacking judicial system to do it for us.
There is a link to the mothers facebook profile in the article, we posted her name, but can’t post the full name of the children.
What ADULTS have said to that little girl are hard to believe! A bunch of hypocrites! 12 yr olds aren’t mature & make mistakes!
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Skanks raising Skanks.
This piss poor excuse of a Mom is why her Daughter is on her way to being a crackhead.
The shitskins are a cancer on society.
Sadies mother needs her ass beat to a fucking pulp, then sadie needs to be sent to her dads
If it had been a white girl beating a black then there would of been black people rioting and saying it was a hate crime. But the thug is black so she gets a pass.
I agree with you that the media would of handled it differently. If the races were reversed there would of been a huge deal made about it. I personally avoided race for this particular article after I noticed what the mother was posting. I feel that she is more to blame than anyone in this incident.
To the writers and editors,
I know is neither here nor there, but the fact that curse words are censored and the word nigga is not (and is even pointed out by you) says something about you.
Your comment says a lot about you, specifically your lack of common sense. The video clearly says “UNCENSORED” which means it’s the original unedited video that was uploaded to facebook. Sorry that it’s such a hard thing for your to comprehend.
Omg!!!!! I’d be in jail rite now for smacking this bully to the ground if this were my child!!!!!
I fixed it for you.
Do you know what the outcome was of Fridays hearing “Felony Charges filed against 12 year old in playground assault” .
A better solution would be to put your kids in self defense courses and let them know when they use it you will back them up. Beat the hell out of some of these animals and this crap will stop.