The founder of I.W.I, Hannibal, will begin writing for a larger media entity in the coming days. This increases the reach of the message I.W.I. speaks from a few thousand to a few million instantly. I will personally remain active in I.W.I. functions and investigations but will be expressing my findings on a much larger platform. I will continue to enter people into the various hall of shames on I.W.I.’s main website as well as

Many of you may of noticed a new author writing for I.W.I. that goes by “The Red Queen”. There will be 2 more authors that will begin writing articles for I.W.I. over the course of the next few days. This will allow I.W.I. to continue to write the same style of news it has been known for while significantly increasing the reach of our mission.

Things just went from bad to worse for Flag Burners, Cop Killers, Race War Inciters, Facebook Drama queens, and faketriots. I can remember a particular troll that bragged and bragged about his the number of followers he’s amassed in 4 years which came down to 1,000 on facebook and 40 on his blog talk radio show. I.W.I. can now reach 1250 times more people in a mere second.
With the expanse of the reach comes a greater responsibility. Facebook has constantly harassed I.W.I. members over the course of the past few months. As a result I.W.I. is moving all investigations and operations to their website We will still post news and updates on our facebook pages but will no longer be conducting any type of operation on there, especially after facebook recently ruled it was not a violation of their terms of service to rape US soldiers.
A new members area is being designed at I.W.I. This members area will be home to the investigators, agents and authors of I.W.I. Each group will have their own access level which will allow them to access the confidential areas of the website. The website also has a private message system, a instant message system like facebook, and embed-able chatrooms that are access level specific. This promotes an efficient and fluid atmosphere for investigating the various extremist groups active in the USA.
Great News!!!!
Ever expanding ?