No Media source has reported the exact location where Cecil the Lion was killed. After an extensive investigation, we have finally located the exact area. Cecil the Lion was killed on the Antoinette Farm Property directly outside the Hwange National Park. The location Cecil was shot raises another question, the question of intention.

Cecil was shot on the Antoinette Farm property. After looking through several articles we located the GPS location of the farm via Mbendi Information services. The blue marker represents the exact location of the farm.

We can also identify via maps that the location where Cecil was killed was less than 1 mile from a National park. We know from earlier stories that the Lion ran crippled for 40 hours after being shot with Palmers Crossbow. This means it’s quite possible that Cecil was actually shot on National Park Grounds and fled to the farm while injured.
Palmer is guilty as hell
Palmer has already used a similar tactic of hunting. He pleaded guilty in 2008 after killing a Bear in a restricted area. Palmer tried lying to authorities about the location but eventually admitted to shooting it in a restricted area. According to the Inquisitor, his conviction was serious enough to land him a felony charge.
Palmer liked the “trophies”. He has a history of trying to bend the rules by hunting extremely close to or in restricted areas where hunting is illegal. Palmer undoubtedly did this on purpose. There’s a much higher chance of a “trophy” animal living in an area where it can’t be hunted legally.
Palmer’s claims of not knowing are hard to believe
It’s safe to say nobody would go on an African Hunting Trip without thoroughly studying a map beforehand. Any map of the area will display the location of the restricted area. It’s no mistake that Cecil the Lion was killed less than a mile away from the restricted area. Palmer’s Criminal record details similar incidents in the past. Palmer was obsessed with getting that trophy kill. He was obviously obsessed enough to attempt to illegally lure an animal out of a restricted area.
Was he obsessed enough to shoot the animal in a restricted area and then chase it to a kill zone? We may never know.