Welcome To /W\

IWI is an elite organization of veterans and civilians who work together to fight domestic terrorism on both sides of the isle.
Fighting Domestic Terrorism and Extremism
Eliminated the Flag Burning Movement of 2015, Started by Antifa
We put an end to the #ericsheppardchallenge, a movement where people would desecrate US flags. The people behind this would become the first well-known antifa activists.
Eliminated a dangerous Anti Police/Veteran movement known as FYF911
The movement terrorized veterans and their families while attempting to incite people to kill people. The movement died with the arrest of Latausha Nedd.
Uncovered Child Abuse Scandals that Prompted Investigations
We uncovered and then intentionally leaked information to the media which inspired an investigation into a child abuse scandal.
Helped protect several veterans and their families
We infiltrated several extremist groups and used the information discovered to warn those in danger and inform the press of our findings. Our information was used several times in several well known publications/stations.
Tricked Antifa into buying us a used Corvette
We tricked an associate of Antifa to sell us their Facebook page, we turned around and resold it for 6x what we paid. We purchased a Corvette due to it’s reputation with the military, and took it to car shows and showed it at Antifa’s expense.
Got Richard Sherman to give his Epic Speech on Black Lives Matter
After taking King Nobles website during #opdethrone, we successfully leaked a story intentionally in the hope that it’d get Richard Sherman to speak about it. He did.
Reached between 200,000,000 - 400,000,000 people
Our videos and articles reached hundreds of millions of people, some videos reached 80,000,000 on their own.
Tipped off the Secret service on two Presidential Assassination threats
We proved information that resulted in two investigations into possible presidential assassination threats.
you are one racist asshole your going to get sued for this you cant hack someones website likedat
Nothing on this website is racist. The truth cannot be racist. The information is copied from Census Data, FBI Criminal Statistics, and Welfare Statistics.
Also there was no hacking done at all. The original owner of this website did not renew their domain registration in time, and even failed to renew it during their grace period after it was overdue. We purchased the domain after it expired and was released to the public. 100% completely legal.
This is awesome, good legal way to counter stupidity. Well done!
Well done and I am sure these facts will go pretty much unabsorbed by her and her mentally challenged minions. I would hope she would read and learn as there is nothing raciest about facts. Sadly I am sure she has not packed her bags and gone somewhere that she finds more welcoming.
The only way this is construed as racist is if you’re mentally ill and want things handed to you like a spoiled child. Murika!
“likedat” You are a fucking moron…..
Those pesky little facts are hard to face aren’t they? People like you complain about the USA and the System but do nothing to fix it. BUT you sure do want to use it for money, housing, food, etc. and like you stated above NOW want to sue the owner of the web site. I find that ironic because like your main goal, if you don’t get your way or things you want it is someone’s fault and not YOURS. Take some responsibility for yourself and your actions, while your at it don’t forget that in life we all have to face facts if we are going to be successful. If you only want others to GIVE YOU stuff you will probably have to settle for what they give you – beggars can’t be choosers. YOU, can chose where you want to live though so MOVE away from the USA and be HAPPY.
You are an idiot, all he did was buy the domain when that land gorilla forgot to renew it. Orr…. Is it a conspiracy by the white man to keep the black menace down. White people are not keeping your people down. Black people are keeping black people down.
You got that right!
Hello she didn’t pay for the renewal of domain name. So no pay….not hers!
Hard for her to renew her subscription when V-103 (the radio station that employed her) fired her in April of 2015. Not sure if I should be happy or sad because now she gets unemployment and other government benefits.
How can he be sued for doing something legally? He bought the domain name. And awesome job doing so. Nothing is racist on here. If people hate this country so much they should leave! See where this behavior will get you somewhere else.
Only a racist would say this site is not racist. And I’m white.
Simple minds think in simple ways.
RFX932, you are obviously one of those types that are the problem. Crying racism like an Al Sharpton clone without a clue or shred of factual evidence. So I challenge you to point out exactly what information on this page is racist and cite specifically how it is that you came to that conclusion. Any person can cry wolf. Few have the balls to actually face the wolf. I am of a strong opinion that you are the latter.
This is in no way racist or illegal. L2 internet bro.
calm down you dumb ****** and please kill yourself
OMFG do you even know what being racist is??? you dumb ass idiot he cant be sued for what standing up and overtaking a webpage that had the nerve to disgrace our soldiers and soldiers that have died for our freedom. What does race have to do with standing up for our flag and the soldiers that continue to fight for our freedom. If anyone has broken the law it those that disrespect the flag and do the shyt they are doing to our flag and posting it like idiot and assuming they wont get caught. but their dumb ass made it clear by posting their faces on the video so its not to hard for the law to find their dumb ass.
Like dat? Ya third grade moron..,
Great job, new admin! At least the sight has meaning now!
This is awesome! Who did this I congratulate you.-Veteran
This is beyond awesome. Thank you to the current admin. As a veteran it astounds me how she even thought that this was ok. I would like to see her do this in another country. She would be killed before she even got the flag on the ground.
Bout time someone did so.wthing to put this dumb cunt in her place.
Keep up the good work nice pick up on the website she should have paid instead of disrespecting a flag that doesn’t represent racism stupid bitch
Hey Erica I bet you would get pissed if I stopped all over that weave on the empty trashcan you call your head.
The truth hurts sometime RFX. Playing the race card cannot change truth, no matter how much you want it to.
You are awesome indeed and I love it. Thanks.
I find all of this so hilarious. Not her actions of course, but that you (whoever the new admin is) came into possession of this site LEGALLY and you’re posting OFFICAL STATISTICS…. But somehow you deserve to be sued. I might be bias since I’m a”military brat” who was raised to respect, but I like what you (new admin) did since you’re responding to the utter despicable action of stepping on the flag with actual racial facts… Yet people still get butthurt over it.
Awesome job! Makes me sick seeing that rascist black lady walking on our flag! Rascism is very much still alive but it’s the other way around now. Look at all the black only organizations colleges tv programs ect… There’s no way they could be white only things like that, not to mention if we had a white history month… Get real people
rfx932, you are stupid, he bought this. thank you very much man, i came on here looking for her number but this made me laugh, i have friends that have died for the flag this ungrateful bitch is stepping on
Well done! nice to see a Viking in action.
Troll level 1 billion!!!
LMAO!!! Awesome job! Congrats on your new web domain!